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The coldest capital of Brazil is also one of the most beautiful and well organized. It is well worth visiting Curitiba: it has culture, forests, parks, fine restaurants, theaters and many other reasons to come back oftentimes.








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More about Curitiba:

The city known for its wide streets kept an urban growth rate strengthened by the arrival of lots European immigrants throughout the nineteenth century: most German, Pole, Ukrainian, and Italian ones, who contributed to the ongoing cultural diversity till today. Curitiba has high levels of education, the lowest illiteracy rate, and the best quality in basic education among Brazilian capitals. The quality of life offered by the state capital makes Curitiba a destination full of facilities and sights for tourists. The residents’ welfare becomes excellent services to the visitors who find comfortable hotels, good restaurants, heavy cultural calendar, and plenty of mobility to make it easy to visit postcards sights, always framed by woodland and squares.


Curitiba, Brazil

Language: Portuguese

Currency: Brazilian Real
1.00 (one) BRL in  = 0,00


How to get to Curitiba:

Aeroporto Internacional Afonso Pena
Terminal Rodoviário de Curitiba



Where to stay in Curitiba:

There is a large concentration of hotels between old downtown and the surroundings of Rodoferroviária Station. In this place it is possible to find cheap hotels, but remember that like all historic center, this is not a great area for those who like walking on the streets at night or even those who like to walk to bars and restaurants. The newest and pleasant hotel zone is in the Batel area, where you will be close to the most sophisticated shops and the busier nightlife of the city. This is possibly a safer area as this it is an upscale neighborhood where security on the streets is relatively strengthened. Another option is to stay in the downtown area that almost borders on the Batel neighborhood, this way it is possible to enjoy the best of both neighborhoods and do most things on foot.


List of accommodations in Curitiba:



Getting around in Curitiba:

Basically, the traffic of Curitiba is structured in an integrated fashion, with bus mass transportation through so-called trinários: exclusive express buses channels systems flanked by single lanes for private vehicles that runs in the opposite direction, and immediately parallel to these there are highways with higher speed limit. Namely, transit around the city by bus is easy and affordable. In addition, there is a special bus line that takes passengers to all the sights of the city, making it easier to access them, as they have signs and information on times and values.


Taxis in Curitiba are standardized: they’re orange with black plaid on the sides and some black details on the bumpers. The city has a fleet of 2300 vehicles categorized as common, special, and for disabled persons. The inspection agency is the URBS, with the Commercial Taxi and Transport Management responsible for the operation of the system. However, there are considerations that the amount of vehicles is not enough to the amount of residents/visitors. You can call a radio taxi, saving you the long wait on the street for an available car.

    The meter starts running at R$4.90. Rides flagged as rate 1 (bandeira 1) are R$2.45/km and rides flagged as rate 2 (bandeira 2) are R$3.00/km. Rides from 08:00pm to 06:00am are flagged as rate 2 (bandeira 2). The stop time costs R$24.00.


The bus system is based on the concept created in Curitiba in the 1970s: light vehicle on tires (BRT). The system allows the physical and fare integration of 14 municipalities in the Greater Curitiba. Its structure defines the Integrated Transport Network (RIT), which has 81km of bus lanes, usually operated by bi-articulated cars, connecting the integrated bus station in the various areas of the city and it carries about 2 million passengers daily. There is also a tourist bus line in the city that costs R$35.00 per person and that runs every thirty minutes throught various places in Curitiba.

Price: BRL 3.00   Convert to   = 0.00
    From Monday to Saturday, conventional bus fare is R$3.30; on Sunday, buses fares are reduced to R$1.50. It must be paid in cash.



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Weather in Curitiba:

Curitiba has a temperate climate with average temperatures below 18°C (65°F) in the winter months, sometimes dropping to near 0°C (32°F) on coldest days. The local climate is also affected by the masses of dry air that dominate south-central Brazil, bringing cold and dry weather to Curitiba, especially in winter when frosts are common. Rainfall is abundant all year round and there’s no occurrence of a dry season. Often cold fronts coming from Antarctica and Argentina throughout the year bring tropical storms in summer and cold winds in winter.



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